Cheers to you for being here. Cheers to you for waking up today. Cheers to you for making it past crazy health shit. Cheers to you for beating the odds and surviving. Cheers to you for being prom queen. Cheers to you for finishing high school while in the hospital. Cheers to you for getting a scholarship while practically dying in a hospital bed. Cheers to you for attending your high school graduation via skype. Cheers to you for having a successful bone marrow transplant. Cheers to you for spending your adolescence inside a hospital! Cheers to you for realizing that no GOD helped you on this. It was all you and the loved ones around you. Cheers to you for having faith in your family. Cheers to you for stomaching the fact that in the rooms around you children were dying and there was no hope for them. Cheers to you for accepting your survivors remorse and knowing there is nothing you could have done for them. Cheers to you for fighting to be a normal college student. Cheers to you for moving out of your parents house even though it was and is the so hard. Cheers to you for choosing the best sisterhood of caring loving women. Cheers to you for ALWAYS wearing some kind of a smile. Cheers to you for being patient and understanding with those who do not know your struggles every second every day. Cheers to you for trying your hardest to be independent even when it is clear you need help. Cheers to you for having the ability to love anyone. Cheers to you for being on crutches longer than you can possibly remember. Cheers to the callus under your armpits. Cheers to your numb foot, broken wrist, weak muscles, ruined joints, osteoporosis, osteonecrosis, arthritis, battered self-esteem and constant pain. Cheers to having the energy to even get dressed in the morning. Cheers to you having goals, dreams, and aspirations. Cheers to you for getting worked up about the things that you feel passionate about. Cheers to you for trying your hardest to be the best friend anyone could have. Cheers to you for taking the responsibility to have a cat who knocks over your plants, wakes you up every 2 hours to make sure you're alive, attacks your feet if they happen to not be under the covers, who meows for no reason, who likes to sleep in your drawers, who catches flies not mice and who will always cuddle up with you whenever you're in bed. Cheers to you for continuing your higher education when it would have been much easier to just move to Italy and get a job there. But mainly cheers to you for choosing this life and not going the easy way out.
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