
Words cannot begin to describe how fulfilling it is to serve in a community. I personally have not experienced first hand community service like this ever in my life. I am so grateful to be here in Los Angeles working in ways to serve people who are living with HIV/AIDS. For those of you who don't know, I am currently in Hollywood with a group from the University of Utah, helping out at some local organizations who support the HIV/AIDS communities.  Yesterday we had orientations at Aids Project Los Angeles and The Gay and Lesbian Center. Today we worked at APLA's food bank sorting donations and then we went to PAWS LA to sort through and package littler and treats. If you don't know any of these organizations I encourage you to research them and if you have the means to, you should either donate time, money or food to these places. The statistics we have learned about are insane. The numbers are crazy! I was assigned to this group through the Bennion Center at the U and I cannot believe I am fortunate enough to be a part of this amazing, inspiring group of people. Anyone who donates their time to a cause, has a means of loving that no other can compare to, and a heart of gold. My leaders for this trip are truly so inspiring. I know it is cheesy to say this but i feel like I have discovered what I want to do with my life. I feel like there is a void being filled and my soul is being fed. I have always been passionate about the humanities and this is just the tip of the iceberg for what I could be doing. My dream job or internship would be here at the Gay and Lesbian Canter. The care and services they provide for anyone who walks through their doors is mind blowing. I wish there didn't need to be centers like these. I wish they didn't have to exist. In a perfect world we would all be considered equal and there would be no need for separated facilities for LGBTQ people. There are so many things I could say right now and some of you would agree and others wouldn't. I DESPISE the idea that "god doesn't accept gay marriage." I feel sorry for anyone who believes this because you my dears are not capable of knowing acceptance.
 I learned something very important from my dad when I was little. Whenever I would worry about other people and make comments about their behavior or their beliefs, my dad would always look at me and say "Live and let live." This phrase has taught me so much about life and love. Acceptance is such an important part of love. The ability to accept someone as who they are and not try to change them is admiral, in my eyes. I have come to the conclusion in these last few days that I am not straight, and I am not lesbian, or gay or bi. I am a lover. And whomever I happen to love, I love. I will no longer categorize my sexuality. I owe it to myself to accept any and all feelings I may have through life. The heart works in mysterious ways and it is wrong to place it in a box and lock it up.
There is no need to stick your nose in someone else's business. Find the acceptance in your heart and share it with anyone you meet. Show them that discrimination is a choice. We are all born with acceptance but only a few of us hold on tight enough to carry it out through life. I have met some really amazing people on this trip and I know I will meet more. I ask you all to take a minute after you read this to shut off your electronic device and close your eyes. Once they are closed, smile. Don't just smile with your face. Smile with your eyes, your toes, your liver, your thoughts, and with your heart. Do you feel that?? That my friends, is love.
I accept you all!
Live and let live.


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