Dear Diary

I'm afraid the intro if this post is going to have striking resemblance to one of my preteen diary entries. "Dear Diary, I am sorry I haven't written in a while. I have been very busy." I would then proceed to tell my diary about what has kept me away. I will spare you all the details to my "busy" life and just jump into the present moment. I am writing to you all from my small little bedroom nest in Portland. I am freshly showered, sprawled out on my just made bed, (pause while I talk to my dad on facetime) cozy in my minky blankets that Nana and Oakleigh got me. I wake up every sunday with 'Sunday Kind of Love' stuck in my head. Sunday's referesh my soul. After a long week of nonsense I always look forward to sleeping in on sunday. Today I gathered all of my christmas presents and wrapped them. I LOVE gift giving. I can only imagine how much more I would love it if I had sufficient funds!! This christmas I feel like I am giving the b...