Ponder This

It's about damn time that I write another entry on this random piece of internet that I call my own. Picture this... There is a girl. She has been through more than enough in her life. Yet every time she thinks she leaves the dark there is a sense in her, that tells her she will soon be back. No matter how many times she's been told that she has made it out of the woods or out of the tunnel. Somehow she always finds her way back in. Although at the beginning there was always a clear end in sight, she soon learns that her life is in the woods. She is forever in that tunnel that has no light at the end. Can you imagine never finding a clearing to look up and see the blue sky? Can you imagine running underground as hard and as fast as you can yet there is no light ahead of you? She just runs. She holds her arms out in front of her for fear of the darkness ahead. There is something interesting about this girl. Though there is no end in sight, she keeps going. Day and night she p...