Rise Above It And Do All Things With Love

I find myself smiling a lot these days. I have come to a very serious realization. I have finally realized that we make our own happiness. I was searching high and low for my happiness and peace but I was looking in all the wrong places. I looked for happiness in my family. I looked for happiness in a boyfriend. I looked for happiness in money. And above all I looked for happiness in my friends. I have learned that looking for happiness anywhere other than within yourself is only going to disappoint you. Slowly the events and people in my life have taught me this. I know having all of the above things are definitely contributors to being happy but in no way, shape, or form are they the only ingredients to happiness. I am telling you all this to save you a lifetime of searching and wondering!! Don't take these words lightly, IT IS THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT LESSON I HAVE EVER LEARNED. I have often believed that finding joy and happiness was just situational. Oh he's happy because...